Most Popular Tour

Ligai Si Anii Canyon Hiking Tour

A great, family-friendly, easy hiking, slot canyon tour experience.


All Ages


1.5 Hours



This is Antelope Valley’s most popular and longest H-framed slot canyon. The 30-yard trail descends and ascends down into a breathtaking slot canyon.

Warning: Trail on canyon side wall is steep with hand rails; participants must be able to climb two stairwells.

Antelope Valley Hiking in Northern Arizona

The Ligai Si Anii Canyon tour is a great adventure for everyone from beginners to more advanced hikers. This is a longer H-frame tour, and it includes a beautiful slot canyon tour accessed by a 30-yard trail. You’re sure to have a wonderful hiking adventure while enjoying the best nature has to offer.

This tour boasts breathtaking views and unique slot canyon picture opportunities. This is a family-friendly hiking package. Enjoy a great slot canyon experience and the chance to discover the best that Antelope Valley Canyon Tours – Ligai Si Anii has to offer.

$8 Navajo Permit Fee not included in package pricing. Age restrictions apply to some hiking tours. Please contact us for more details.

AdultAge 17+$62
ChildAges 6 -16$42
ToddlersAges 0-5Free

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